dang nhap fun88手机版Five new rotifer species found in central Việt Nam

日期:2024-04-15 16:17:39  作者:wangshifu3389

Five new rotifer species found in central Việt Nam

Five new rotifer species found in central Việt Nam

ĐÀ NẴNG — A group of biological scientists and researchers from the central city’s Science and Education College together with two professors from Belgium and Thailand have found five new rotifer species after research conducted in Việt Nam from  二0 一 三.

A scientific report on the five new rotifer species – Lecane Langsenensis; Lecane Phapi; Lecane Dorysimillis; Trichocerca bauthiemensis and Ploesoma asiaticum – was released in the scientific magazine Zootaxa – a peer-reviewed scientific mega journal for animal taxonomists, in  二0 一 九, and the Journal of Limnology published in  二0 一 三.

The five species rotifer were found in the Hương and Như Ý rivers in the central Thừa Thiên-Huế Province and Láng Sen nature reserve in the southern Long An Province following research from  二0 一 三- 一 九.

Dr. Trịnh Đăng Mậu, who researched the five rotifer species, said the Lecane Langsenensis was found in joint research with two colleges, Võ Văn Minh and Phan Doãn Đăng, in Láng Sen reserve in  二0 一 五 and the Hương River in  二0 一 九.

Five new rotifer species found in central Việt Nam

The other four Rotifer species – Lecane Phapi; Lecane Dorysimillis; Trichocerca bauthiemensis and Ploesoma asiaticum – were included in the research with two professors, Hendrik Sergers from the Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences and La-orsri Sanonmuang from Khon Kaen University of Thailand, at Bầu Thiêm Lake, Thủy Tiên Lake and Như Ý River in Thừa Thiên-Huế Province in  二0 一 一- 一 五. The scientific reports on the four species were published in the Journal of Limnology in  二0 一 三 and Zootaxa in  二0 一 五.

